To borrow a lyric from her famous husband’s hit song, Priscilla Presley was all shook up at the Venice Film Festival premiere of “Priscilla.” The subject of Sofia Coppola’s drama...
Experience the legendary power and presence of music’s greatest icon, Elvis Presley. Featuring three of the world’s finest Elvis tribute performers, the look, vocals, and...
“Broadway Christmas Wonderland” has become a new winter feature in Shibuya as “Christmas to enjoy at the theater” from the Japanese premiere in 2016.Following “Radio...
“I have many fond summer memories in Utah heading to the Sandy Amphitheater to watch ARRIVAL From Sweden THE MUSIC OF ABBA. ARRIVAL played Sandy...
· 80 sold-out tours in the US including 10 years in a row at the iconic Red Rocks Amphitheatre· $95K average gross per show· Original...